Green Party: new
policy initiative cell phones and wireless |
Von: Martin Weatherall |
Tue, 2 Oct 2007
23:34:21 -0400 |
Original Message -----
From: Magda
Sent: Saturday,
September 29, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Fwd: Green
Party - new policy initiative cell phones and wireless
Canada has a political party (the Canadian Green Party) bringing attention to
cell phones and wireless technology and referring to the Bioinitiative
Report! For those who may not know her, Elizabeth May was Director of the
Sierra Club in Canada before becoming leader of the Green Party.
Party demands federal action on cell phones and wireless networks
Green Party leader Elizabeth May today called on Health Minister Tony Clement
to issue an immediate warning on the potential danger posed by radiation from
cell phones and wireless networks in Canada.
recently warned its citizens to avoid wireless technology whenever possible and
the EU’s European Environment Agency (EEA) followed suit with a call for
immediate reduction in exposure to radiation from phones and wireless networks.
The EEA suggested that a delay could precipitate a health crisis similar to
those caused by asbestos exposure and smoking.
is growing scientific evidence that exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
from cell phones and wireless networks can cause significant harm to people,
especially children,” said Ms. May. “Until all the facts are in, it is foolish
to turn a blind eye to the potential health effects of EMR. The Green Party
urges the federal government to apply the precautionary principle and warn
citizens of these risks now.”
several studies that link cell phone use to cancer, the Green Party’s Health
Promotion critic, Jake Cole, demanded rapid action from Mr. Clement.
“More and
more Canadians are being exposed to EMR through wireless networks at work and
at home,” said Mr. Cole. “The long-term effects of exposure aren’t known with
certainty, but evidence suggests that health impacts can occur at extremely low
levels of radiation, far below public safety limits.
must quickly issue some sensible public warnings on this matter, following the
lead of other jurisdictions like Germany and the EU, and develop principles and
regulations to ensure the health and safety of Canadians.”
accordance with the precautionary principle, the Green Party recommends:
Children under the age of 12 should not use cell phones, except in emergencies.
• Cell
phones should not be used in schools, except in emergencies.
• A
moratorium on the installation of all wireless equipment and cell phone masts
within 300 metres of a home or school
• Turning
off all electronic equipment when not in use
To read A
Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic
Fields (ELF and RF), the international scientific review on wireless radiation
and health cited by the European Environment Agency, please see