Is Morgellon's Disease real, or imagined?
Posted:11/15/2009 12:00:47 AM PST
Hi David
came accross this illness over a year ago and wrote to the
Society suggesting that the illness could be
related to electro magnetic
radiation. I suggested that
sufferers should ensure that they are living
away from
sources of EMFs and EMR as a test to see if it affects their
symptoms. They did not reply to me.
I will forward
this to Andrew Goldsworthy, I am sure that he may have in
of the cause.
Martin Weatherall
Hi Martin,
The symptoms of Morgellons disease include so many of those of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), it is hard to believe that they are not related. Furthermore, there is a plausible mechanism, which is based on the way that the body uses electric currents to repair wounds to the skin.
The skin contains a layer of cells called the stratum granulosum where the gaps between the cells are sealed against leakage by tight junctions. This layer contains the so-called skin battery, which uses molecular ion pumps to generate a voltage of about 70mV between the inside and the outside of the body (inside positive). If the skin is broken by a wound, it short-circuits this battery and an electric current flows within the body towards the wound. This current is sensed by cells called fibroblasts, which then migrate along the line of the current towards the wound. When they get there, they make collagen fibers that form the new tissue that eventually fills the wound. Sometimes, they overdo this and form raised hypertrophic scars that are often pigmented and bear some resemblance to the Morgellons lesions.
Many of the symptoms of EHS can be explained by the radiation weakening cell membranes by removing structurally-important calcium ions, so that they leak. When this happens to sensory cells, it makes them send signals to the brain to give false sensations such as pins and needles, heat, pain and feelings of insects crawling over the skin, etc. depending on which cells are most affected (visit for a short talk on the subject). However, if the cells in small parts of the stratum granulosum leak, electric currents would flow within the body towards the leaks, just as if there had been physical wounds. This would then attract fibroblasts to the area and in some people bring about the formation of raised pigmented lesions similar to those of Morgellons disease.
While this is just an educated guess, I think the evidence is strong enough to suggest that Morgellons sufferers should try as far as possible to avoid all forms of electromagnetic radiation (especially cell phones, cordless phones and Wi-Fi) to see if this results in any improvement to their condition.
Best wishes
(Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy)