Please read the attached letter from the United States Congress.

Martin Weatherall


Von: Charles Cavanagh
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009 02:52
Betreff: US Congress letter to FCC (highly newsworthy)



Hello Colleagues,


This is by far the strongest language from the US Congress I have heard.

They appear to take the bioinitiative seriously and give support from other

US agencies to stop the proliferation of EMF radiation.


In otherwords the FCC does not have a free ticket anymore to implement

IEEE/ICES recommendations without review. Also, no automatic yes voting

in Congress on auctioning new frequency bands of which they have no awareness.


Very interesting.













‘Stealth’ cell towers spark outrage






Love Marriage and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity 



see also:
More about this event:

Angela Page was married this week and would like to share about her accomonodations for her MCS wedding. Her family was able to "attend" her wedding "on air" at WJFF. Angela works for WJFF and has been accomodated with a chemical free work space since her illness for a 2 hour radio show each week. She got married during her show on the air! Angela says, "What started as an accommodation for mcs became a fun cyber event."

Transcript here:

Scroll down to Folk Plus 2/14/09 for the audio at the radio site:

Paper reported it here:
Valentine's Day wedding couple clears air before taking vows

And here is her website

It has some fabulous resources